Monumental 12’ solid Onyx Dining Table
Central Brass inlay engraved with every know character for SALT.
Designed and handmade byJasonKoharik 2021

This Table is a Prayer. An Altar. An offering of Grace to one of natures most precious gifts.
Each time we sit around this table, gathered together, We are reminded of our common bond. (NaCl)
Sit with me. Rejoice and give thanks.
The ability of SALT to preserve food was a founding contributor to the development of all civilization.
SALT was the highest of know value for the ancient people of the world. It created and destroyed empires.
The latin word SAL birthed Salarium or Salary. Roman soldiers paid in Salt. If They Were “worth Their Salt.”
Its value in trade and production out weighed all the minerals of the world, including Gold.
Men and women set sail, traveling the world seeking out the glory of the discovery of this precious spice.
Trade routes opened. Most of the exploration and discoveries of the “new worlds” came from this treasured hunt.
Its mystical properties used by the ancient alchemists. Food preserved. Bodies of the ancient kings and queens immortalized, wrapped in forever beds.
Spilling Salt, a common held evil omen arousing enmity. A small pinch thrown over the shoulder to prevent further mischief from the unseen world.
Egyptian, Mayan,Polynesian, Sumerian, Assyrian, Hittites, Timals, Chinese, Jews, Moors, Greeks,Mayan, Olmec, Aztec, Adriatic,Balkans, Slovenia, Croatia, Turkish .The naive indigenous people of all the world.
Gathered and mined throughout the entire planet Earth. Spreading culture far and wide.
Wars were fought for it. Cultures connected. Suddenly dependent on one other. Offers of bread and Salt upon arrival to new guests at their dinner tables.

Practices such as “salting there earth”- the ritual of spreading of salt on conquered cities to symbolize a curse on their re-inhabitation.

Now we sit at every table, gathered together, friendships and family-ships, dashing and spilling this once precious spice. Contained within small cut crystal Cloisters. Clutches at every arms length.

Pair packets left at the bottom take-out bags, discarded. Unappreciated and taken for granted.

This Grain of unsayable value, once housed in cathedrals and convents. A priceless possession.

Every culture, every country, every language ever know to human kind, knows this word. Their word.

There is no substitute. There is no equal. Nothing can hold the space in the human body for sustaining life other then SALT