Darling, Please.

—A Bistro Table—
byJasonKoharik 2022

A two-top cafe table. —It will seat four; Three?—Really? A third wheel? 
Though, I do find it most charming for a single.

A Bistro table is my favorite piece of furniture. There is nothing more intimate. The natural temper that develops in voices separated by perfect inches; and candlelight. 
I can design that dimension with my eyes closed and my heart open.—
And they are. 
A bistro table evokes only poetry. 
An elevated pinky finger high above the rim of a tiny demitasse. —Pinstripe suit.
Blotted lip stick ink on the consummate crease of a white linen napkin.
(Dior Rouge 999)
Ooooh, that formidable hotel matchbook placed under the foot finding level.— An Apron?— No. A fucking cape. 

“I loved you most here—We might as well have been sitting in the same chair. Or staring into a mirror.”
“Darling please; your flavor of the month is still melting in your mouth.—You would use that’ tongue to speak to me?”—
“Of special? Of reflections? Of once?”

“We are the last ones here,—Always—They are stacking chairs. We should help them —or leave.” —
“Or order another drink?”
“If I propose marriage now, they’ll have to stay open.—they will probably offer a bottle of champagne. —I’ll fashion a ring from this wine foil.  Say “Yes!” when I ask— I won’t hold you to it.—Though, I do mean it. 
We will wait until they are all looking — the dish washers and chefs, the girl counting tips. The vagrant outside the window, waiting for the stale bread.
I bet they bring us a dessert. 
White cake.
We can invite our waitress to the wedding.—We will have the reception here! It will be perfect.” 
“Darling please, let’s just pay the bill. 
I’ll drive.—You have to work in the morning.”

A Bistro Table 
(Shown in Salome Marble)
For the Entelechy Collection 
Combined with a self similar partner, it grows. Each armed with both a mortise and tenon, they unite. 


30”L x 24”W x 29”H