- An Apotropaic Wall Sconce

—Let not tears be our only lament. Spill with me the wine, our last drop of water. The precious seeds. The blood in our tongues. Teeth—gnash. Eyes.
Our words—our only words.
O’ fear O’ speaking. —

A single cut crystal glass magnifying globe in cased within brass frame. Adorned with sand blasted glass beaded tassel. Single 12v LED 2700k Puck lamp
(Shown in lichen)
byJasonKoharik 2022

—I am the impenetrable Palisade and its doorway.—
Evoked by a perception of an ancient and personal practice.— An amulet I wear, a talisman at each of my doorways. Symbolically, it’s common name I never use —They serve as a personal guardian. A gatekeeper. An omen of protection. It is only within a gaze, a stare, locking eyes that I have ever truly met someone. It is in that moment of intuition I allow passage or deny access.
I believe that Souls remember eyes first.
—The sanguine lover’s-(Hi. Hi.), the celadon hue of forever friendship, the cerulean son’s we share. The pewter lilac-ed wonderer, the wildcard the sinner.
Each piece from this collection, an incantation, offering peace and protection.


Size 7”W x 3”D x 15.5”H