byJasonKoharik 2022
—And it occurred to me that it had been, all along, about copies, nothing else. All of it, this entire flaming universe was about copying itself before it died, that’s all it was. And we were there in the middle of it, as blind to the machinery inside of us as we were deaf to the machinery of galaxies swirling in circles above us.—
Susan Neville
This Monomer stands alone—as a side table or pedestal. It is also scaled to seat height, and works as a chair or stool.
Combined with a self similar partner, it grows. Each armed with both a mortise and tenon, they unite.
Replicated, it is now a Tete a Tete. A coffee table. As the single Monomer takes on more and more partners, infinitely; one becoming more, becoming one—a leviathan. A super organism. As is the case for most organisms, they are rarely self-aware they are a collection of smaller selfs. Identifying as a singularity.
And so it is—
“A hen is just an eggs way of making more eggs.”

As children, the arrangement of things to be reversed, was a precept discovered through constructing block-towers; then knocking them to the ground. Destruction with the intent to rebuild.
Renewal. Recurrence in self-similar form, infinitely.

Oak version I

Upholstery version $2850
asymmetrically 30”x30” 18” seat height