A Social Journal 


Some projects take many years. COLLECTEDBY— Much of my work is an assemblage of time, persistence & passion. i.e. Thousands of paint stir sticks, post-its, scraps of tape & film … They are a journal of sorts. A diary. 
If you have visited in the last 5 years or so, you have likely contributed to this “painting”. Some people appear here far to much — others,
most certainly, not enough. 
I have collected and recorded, indirectly, a history of my socialization here at the studio. The remainders of wine left in bottles and glasses have made their way to canvases rather then down drains.  For years I have poured, these two pallets in particular, memories of well spent evenings, design client meetings, & most recently the wreckage of two InStudio sales, on these raw canvases.
I often write down the authors of these unknowing marks. Their names and dates— Some words said during our time together. Looking back always makes me smile— the early days of the rose’ summer lovers. Oh Whispering Angel. 
The Bordeaux bewilderment of the after-hour Cafe Stella strangers. That overindulgent Alicante Bouschet trip I went down for some time. I loved the colour it left behind. But certainly I was not limited; they came bearing gifts. Sancerre, Grenache, CabFranc, —Pinot and  petite Syrah. Merlots and Melbecs and the occasional Muscadet. I was fascinated by the palette. Grateful, those skin touch orange wines found fad and fashion.—
Song writers, cynics, and salesman… and the more than occasional fortune teller; They were each my muses. 
I recently decided to stretch and frame these canvases; still pouring as they laid on my studio floor.— The warping and whining of wine soaked stretcher bars was somehow charming.
I thought I might call it “finished”— though likely, if you visit while it is still here, I am sure your mark will find its way aboard. —Or perhaps stay dear muse, we could stretch a canvas together, wax poetically, pop corks, and start anew. 

A Social Journal 
(12’x6’ wine on canvas) 
byJasonKoharik (years)

A Portrait
byJasonKoharik 2018,2019,2020,21,22,23 (I think)
1 in a series of far too many
