—On Love & Imperfection.
The Prototype for this table was created using scrap wood and steel.
I have found that imperfection cannot be purposefully achieved. Imperfection is a singularity. Unique, it eternally exists with out our effort. It is a the product of Gods. The unknown. Happenstance. Serendipity.
You cannot recreate it. Or copy it.—It would seem, to me, an attempt towards its antithesis (perfection) only reinforces imperfection’s dominant roll in creation.
There is an undeniable beautiful mistake in everything.
A crack in the column.
It is unsayable
It is Once.
It is perfect.

byJasonKoharik 2022

“Lacking attempt of disguise.”
Crudely hand carved and crafted unfinished side table, pedestal, or stool shows the marks of the maker.
Combined with a self similar partner, it grows. Each armed with both a mortise and tenon, they unite.
Replicated, As the single Monomer takes on more and more partners, infinitely; one becoming more, becoming one—a leviathan. A super organism. As is the case for most organisms, they are rarely self-aware they are a collection of smaller selfs. Identifying as a singularity.
And so it is—
“A hen is just an eggs way of making more eggs.”

As children, the arrangement of things to be reversed, was a precept discovered through constructing block-towers; then knocking them to the ground. Destruction with the intent to rebuild.
Renewal. Recurrence in self-similar form, infinitely.

14”L x 14”W x 28”H